Michigan’s World-Class Summer Arts Programs

Organizations like the Michigan Youth Arts Association, the Michigan Art Education Association, and the Northwest Michigan Arts and Culture Network help students, artists, arts leaders, and arts organizations connect to their creative communities and bring enhanced exposure and importance to the arts. Look about you and discover why creatives of all ages find their artistic home in Michigan.

Out and About: Nathan Thomas House

Nestled in Schoolcraft is the Dr. Nathan Thomas House, a vitally important part of the Underground Railroad. On the National Register of Historic Places since 1982, the home is now a museum to educate people about abolitionists and the Thomas family's contributions to that effort.

Try a New Regional Menu This Holiday Season!

Now it’s time to bring that same sense of adventure to the holiday baking and cooking season! Why not look beyond the traditional turkey and mashed potatoes?  Travel to another region from the comfort of your kitchen. If some of these menu offerings look a little intimidating, we have included a few Michigan restaurants, bakeries, and purveyors of specialty foods that can come to your rescue.

Refinancing Your Home During Economic Uncertainty

When considering a mortgage refi, start with your overall goal. Once that is defined, you’ll know whether refinancing is the right option and what your refinancing terms should look like. Here are five things you might achieve through refinancing:

Playing in the Snow

Grab a snow shovel or two, round up your family, dress in your warmest winter gear, and head outside to create some cool snow projects while making memories to last a lifetime. Whether you want to build a jolly ol’ snowman, a snow fort, sled hill, or even an igloo, a good Michigan winter will bring with it all the essentials for arctic family fun at home!

Red Light Therapy: What Is It and How Does It Work?

There’s plenty of research on therapy for seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The often-prescribed long walk in the sunshine or use of a lux-light box can alleviate feelings of depression, sadness, and fatigue. But there’s another therapy worth considering: RLT – red light therapy – garnering attention for not only helping with SAD, but also improving the look of aging skin, and it’s worthy of consideration.

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