In 2009, Ben Gott found himself noticing plastic everywhere – from the cafes he visited with friends to the consulting jobs he held. One such job included a water bottling plant where pallets of empty plastic bottles awaited shipment. So much plastic everywhere! Gott knew that 68 percent of all plastic is not recycled, and he also knew that an alternative was needed.
Enter Boxed Water Is Better. This innovative company, driven by Gott’s ideals of sustainability and philanthropy, has made mega-strides in revolutionizing the water industry. They strive for the purest water, packaged most efficiently. An eight-step purification process means no impurities and no minerals. Each box is 100 percent recyclable and made from 74 percent renewable raw materials. All paper for the boxes is obtained from forests that are well managed and replanted for the future.
Rob Koenen, chief marketing officer, loves to tell the story of Gott dropping off his first four cases of Boxed Water at a local market. At 1:00 p.m. he delivered the water, and by 4:00 p.m. he received a call; the market had sold it all and wanted more. That’s when Gott knew he was on to something.
The entire Boxed Water team believes in and takes great pride in working toward fulfilling the company’s desire to create a better planet. Over the course of five years, Boxed Water will help to plant one million trees in forests around the nation by partnering with the National Forest Foundation. Forests protect wildlife while they filter our air and the rainwater that sustains all living things. Consumers can help Boxed Water reach that goal by engaging with the brand on social media.
In 2018, Boxed Water is increasing its philanthropic efforts by entering into a partnership with Ocean Blue’s Coastal Cleanup Project. The goal is to remove 30,000 pounds of plastic from the nation’s coastlines – and that’s no small task. As Boxed Water has grown, the team has added a bottling and distribution plant in Utah to serve their growing Southwest US market and to reduce their carbon footprint.
Koenen says the groundswell of support across the country has been astonishing. The company has a huge following on Facebook and Instagram – nearly 1 million followers combined. That’s a big statement for a small company. It’s a community of passionate individuals who share Boxed Water’s ideals and want to know they are helping to clean up our planet. It has even become a sort of fashion statement for celebrities to be seen out and about with their Boxed Water. From Gwyneth Paltrow to John Legend to Julianne Hough, celebs love the box.
Currently, Boxed Water is offered in three sizes and varying case packs. For 2018, they will introduce new case packs for added convenience. You can purchase Boxed Water via its website, on Amazon, or in many retail locations across the country.
Boxed Water is a company that believes in the power of the individual spreading the message that one small choice can make a big change. It is important to them, and they will shout it from the rooftops to make sure we all hear them.
Visit the website, BoxedWaterIsBetter.com, to learn more about the ideals of this innovative company and how your small choice can make a big difference.
Boxed Water Is Better 201 Monroe #500, Grand Rapids MI 49503 l (844) 429-3987 l BoxedWaterisBetter.com